Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Salm,,,today as usual,,first,my class discuss about mid sem paper.I pass the paper,but i'm not satisfied with that. Maybe i less focus in class.Insya-ALLLAH,i will try harder in final. Okey, today,i learned about topic ALHAMDULILLAH,which mean that we must praise to the god in whatever situation,for example the earth has it's specifications and we as the human must use it with the proper way and always thanks to ALLAH. Furthermore i also learned topic about profit and work. This topic talk about,when we do in anything with fully effort,Insya-ALLAH we will get the profit. Then,besides the text, i also learned about the way to use 'KOD' which we use it when we want to straigth the sentence,we must use 'KOD' and 'INNA'. For 'KOD',after that we must use fiil madhi and for 'INNA' after that must be followed by isim.Hence,and then,the other thing is the same for example arrange the sentence, find the sinonym and the antonym.SAlAM.

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